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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why get a colonic?

A: The colon is known as the sewer line of the body. It is the last channel of elimination, where all of the other organs send its waste to be emptied through the bowel. Over time, with the modern day lifestyle and diet, the colon becomes backed up and coated with old hardened waste. It is estimated that the average person carries 5-15 lbs. of impacted fecal matter in their colon. This can cause an array of issues in the body including but no limited to: skin conditions, bloating, digestive disorders, allergies, chronic fatigue, pain, reproductive issues, headaches, anxiety.


Q: How is a colonic administered?

A: A person receiving a colonic lies on the table. A sterilized speculum is gently inserted in the rectum. Warm filtered water gently flows into the colon via a small water tube, and out through an evacuation tube carrying with it impacted fecal matter. The water pressure and temperature are carefully controlled by the therapist, and all waste is drained away discreetly without any mess or odors. The person is well covered and their modesty is given top priority during the session. A colonic takes approximately 45 minutes to one hour.



Q: How much of the colon is actually cleansed during a colonic?

A: This varies and depends on the individuals level of impaction. The goal is to cleanse the full length of the colon eventually. Some clients meet this goal with a couple of sessions, and some require more than a few treatments to achieve this. Think of a colonic like mining through the colon. The water chips away at the impacted waste little by little, eventually cleansing the full length of the large intestine. 


Q: Should I see my doctor before my first colon hydrotherapy session?

A: If you have a concern about your health or the appropriateness of colon hydrotherapy for you, consult a doctor. if you have been diagnosed with diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, have severe hemorrhoids or rectal/intestinal tumors, you may not be a candidate for a colon hydrotherapy treatment. Professionally

administered colon hydrotherapy is safe, and if you are free of these conditions, medical examination before a treatment should not be necessary. 


Q: Can I go to work after my colonic?

A: Yes of course. You can go to work as you would after any normal bowel movement


Q: Is there any mess or smell?

A: No. The modern colonic unit is a closed sealed system that carries away the waste in a clean and hygienic matter. Everything happens within the tubing and machine, so there is no mess left behind and the recipient and the therapist never come into contact with any of the waste the body releases.


Q: How many sessions will I need?

A: This will vary depending on your goals and current health situation. if you're experiencing constipation or any other digestive upset, it is best to start with

3-5+ colonics, receiving one session a week for consecutive weeks until your digestive system is regulated and your symptoms have subsided and you are having regular complete bowel movements. 


 Q: What is a regular complete bowel movement?

A: A regular complete bowel movement is:

1) eliminated with ease. no straining or pushing

2) is about 8-12 inches in length and in 1 piece

3) has little to no odor




Q: What are the benefits of a colonic?

A: The colon is the seat of vitality in the body. When it is clear of the burden of extra waste, and functioning normally, you feel the limitless benefits throughout the entire body. these include: 

-Higher levels of energy

-Increased circulation

-Strengthened immunity 

-Less bloating and gas

-Brain fog relief

-Boosted metabolism 

-Headache relief

-Clearer skin

-Improved Menstrual health

-Boost in mood

-Constipation relief


Q: What should I do to prepare for my session? 

A: Please refrain from eating solid food 2 hours prior to your appointment.


To maximize the benefits of your session follow this guideline for at least 24 Hours before your appointment:

-AVOID meat, bread, wheat products, alcohol, carbonated drinks

-INCREASE CONSUMPTION of fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens and fresh vegetable juices. 


Lastly, please arrive on time and with an open mind.


Q: What will the colonic feel like?

A: Most who receive a colonic are surprised to find that it is quite relaxing. It may feel strange as the small tube is inserted, and you may have the urge to push it out again. But this passes quickly. The therapist then closely controls the filling and emptying to ensure you remain comfortable. As the water fills the colon you will feel sensations of fullness. This is relieved when the bowel empties again. The sensation of a colonic is often described as feeling like you're having a bowel movement for 40 minutes.



Q: Are colonics clean and safe?

A: All supplies including tubing, speculums, and padding are for one time use only. and are disposed after each client. In addition, the colonic unit is a FDA Class II approved device  that has a one way check valve to assure fresh, clean, purified water insillation as well as an internal self-cleaning system that uses hospital grade disinfectant. Guaranteeing a clean and safe colonic. 



Q: Will the session be embarrassing in any way?

A: Your modesty and comfort is my top priority during your colonic session. It is perfectly normal to feel embarrassed your first time and the colon therapist understands the sensitivity of the process, making sure you are comfortable at all times. You will be given privacy to change into your gown and after the tube is inserted you will remain covered during the duration of the session. 



Q: Can I receive a colonic on my period? 

A: if you are comfortable with receiving a colonic while you are on your menstrual cycle, then you are welcome to come in. When you are on your period, your body is already cleansing. so receiving a colonic during this time will support that, and can sometimes even ease cramps and period symptoms. 






Do you have unanswered questions about your current health conditions?

Have you been experiencing symptoms, but your labs at the doctors are coming back "normal"? 

Would you like to have a more comprehensive understanding of what is going on in your body?

Then Iridology may be for you. In this consultation we will look at the markings, colors, and texture of your iris to assess your body.


How does it work?

 You've heard the saying "the eyes are the window to the soul" , and this is true. What if I told you they are also a window into the body?

 Our eyes are connected to the optic nerve, which then runs down through the nervous system and connects to every organ and system in the body via nerves. So as we age, our eyes change. If we get injured for example, this will reflect in the eyes.. Even chronic constipation, we can detect by looking at the markings in the iris. We can look and assess the condition of the digestive system, nervous system, and blood stream.

What happens during Iridology consultation? 

We will take a photo of your eye, then I will show you the markings, and their meaning. You'll receive a copy of the reading through text message or email and along with this will receive a plan of action and recommended herbs/supplements based on what we find. 

$45 - 30minute consultation.


*iridology is not meant to treat diagnose or cure anything, and any findings or recommendations made are for educational purposes only*





Ionic Foot Bath Detox

What is an ionic detox?
An ionic detox is a method of cleansing the body via the feet. By soaking the feet in ionically charged water, the bath detoxes and purges the body of toxins, metals, yeast, and other foreign chemicals that weigh on the body and slow the bodies natural process of elimination and detoxification down. 

What are the effects of an ionic foot bath?
The ionic bath stimulates the body to start using its own ability to cleanse itself. the negative ions signal the body to start flushing via the lymphatic system and the 5 channels of elimination. (Colon,Kidneys,Lungs,Skin)
Some noted benefits of the ionic foot bath is:
-Clearing of skin issues (acne,eczema,rosacea)
-Relief from joint pain
-Increased energy
-Boost in oxygen throughout the body
-Relieve headaches/tension
-Boosts mood
-Balances and increases immunity

-Improved sleep
-Reduce inflammation and unwanted fluid retention


How does it work?
Utilizing the principles of reflexology and the science of ionization. The foot bath water is charged with negative ions by the detox machine. creating a magnetic effect that pulls free radicals from the body and stimulates the body to cleanse via the pathways of elimination. because the bottoms of our feet have the largest pores on our skin, the detox method through the feet makes this modality quite effective.

What is the process of the foot detox?
You will relax comfortably in a chair while soaking your feet in a bath of warm water. The array then begins to ionize the water. The water will then begin to change color. The initial change in color is due to the chemical reaction of the machine itself. The resulting color change towards the end of the 30 minutes is what comes from your body and the toxins that were pulled out. Based on the color and texture of what comes out we can draw conclusions of what organs were stimulated and need cleansing. see the chart below to understand the colors and their meanings. 



Infrared Sauna

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