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Why,When, & How?


Our modern day lifestyle is constantly bombarded by external sources off toxins. processed foods, air pollution, foods ladened with pesticides, beauty and personal care products, contaminated water, etc. are apart of what we consume daily. Many of these pollutants are not meant to be and stay in our bodies. Over time, from being in contact with these unnatural substances, our organs that work to maintain homeostasis become overwhelmed. These organs work to eliminate waste from the body every day. And they include the Colon, Kidneys, Lungs, Liver, Skin, Lymphatic system, and the Blood. When the body has been overworked and burdened by accumulated toxins, it opens the door for disease. This is why cleansing is important. Cleansing is a preventative practice that keeps our bodies healthy and thriving. 



It is a good idea to do a cleanse at every change of the seasons or every 3 months. At least twice a year to maintain good health. 

Remember, the absence of disease doesn't always equal health. There are many symptoms the body will show when it is overwhelmed with toxins. Many of these are symptoms people commonly experience, but are abnormal and are signs from your body that it needs to cleanse.


These symptoms include:

-acne, rashes, rosacea, eczema 

-aches/pains in the body of unknown origin

-allergies, sinus congestion, frequent phlegm in throat

-brain fog, anxiety, depression

=constipation, diarrhea, other digestive upsets

-low energy, fatigue, mid-day energy crash

-trouble sleeping, feeling tired after sleeping

-unexplained headaches  

-thrush/white coating on the tongue

-bad breathe, body odors

-yeast infections, vaginal itch, bacterial vaginosis

-heavy periods, irregular menstrual cycle

-frequent UTI

-inability to lose weight


Cleansing consistently ate least a couple of times a year is a preventative wellness measure. 



When beginning a cleansing journey it may be difficult to choose and understand which path is best for you. It is always a good idea to do some research yourself based on the symptoms you are experiencing. It is also important to have a professional guide you along the way, and help you choose which cleanses may best suit you. 


At Sol Body Care, we are dedicated to help you find which path is right for your health needs, offering different herbal cleanses in pill, powder, and liquid forms for your own personal preference. specific guidance with herbs can be given with a consultation. *see page on how to book an ap





Generally speaking, when thinking of a cleanse, it is best to start where you are currently at with your eating and lifestyle habits. It is never a good idea to jump into something more than you can handle or commit to.


If you have never done an herbal cleanse before, it is a good idea to start with a 3 day gentle cleanse.

This includes 3 days of consuming a mostly liquid diet:

-lots of fresh water

-fresh pressed juices

-hot herbal teas 

-clear/light broths and soups


keep solid foods to a minimum. eating 1 solid meal a day. this can be a green salad or cooked vegetables. something light and fresh. During these 3 days avoid all dairy, meat, gluten products, alcohol, processed+packaged food, and sugar, 


From the 3 day cleanse you can graduate up to longer and deeper cleanses. 


Remember when cleansing you always want to keep your bowels moving so that the toxins your body is detoxing are coming out of you. Colonics, enemas, and herbal laxatives must be on hand while doing any cleanse.


The following information is for the 10 day herbal cleanse we offer. This cleanse is to be done only after you have done the 3 day cleanse.




A general guideline for what foods to eat and what foods to avoid during the

10 day Candida Cleanse.


Animal products
including Dairy & Eggs
Wheat & Gluten






SUGAR including fruits

(while cleansing for first 3 days)



Processed Foods/Artificial Preservatives & Flavor-enhancers



Smoke, including cannabis


These are low starch foods and should give you an idea of what to shop for



Cucumber   Pumpkin seed   Seaweed  


Coconut vinegar/apple-cider vinegar   Broccoli      Cauliflower


Brussels sprouts    Collard greens    Kale    Dill     Thyme    Rosemary


Mint     Basil      Oregano    Majoram     Sage


Sprouts (alfalfa, fenugreek, broccoli, sunflower, radish, onion,


Salad/Leafy Greens (chicory, escarole, romaine, spinach, arugula,
radicchio, watercress, etc.)


Summer squash (zucchini, yellow, Mexican squash, etc.)


Artichoke     Asparagus   Bamboo shoots    Bok choy   Hearts of palm


Red Onion   Parsley    Cilantro   Dandelion    Cabbage      Chard


Chia seeds    Hemp seeds   Saurkraut    Pickles    Snow peas


Pea pods    Radish   Jicama    Avocado    Quinoa    Millet    Beet 


Carrot     Tomato     Bell pepper (preferably red, orange, or yellow)


Spicy pepper (Jalapeño, Habañero,
Serrano, Ghost, etc.)


Baby corn    Eggplant    Mushroom   Turmeric    Ginger    Turnip


Rutabaga      Kimchee      Cole-slaw (without sauce/dressing)


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